Premiere Vision Paris..........4 days of Paris, 1 day at Premiere Vision. Getting an insight in to the textiles forecasts and new designs. whilst also visiting Galleries and Designer stores. All for information and inspiration for designs. For now and the future.
Photographing images for yourself, not only adds to your imagination, but also means that you have so many more options for more designing. Doing this process seemed to help me naturally work within layers within painting, and in turn taking that in to experimenting with techniques within printing. The ideas were always there seeing as I has visually taken the images myself. I took 99% of all my photo's to work from for my prints myself.
All images are taken for colour and shape inspiration. I took the main colours of Bright Blue against Gold and Bronzes. The lighter tones of Yellow and Yellowy green and deep tones of magenta and magenta reds. Then for the finer detail of florals I used the deep blue/Grey. These Two final images were where my whole colour palettes evidently came from. I also took a lot of shapes and compositions from the images, especially to create the similar idea of layers in to the prints.